Albion Armory: Infinite Sword Swinger Was Designed By XOrgy

In the Albion Armoy, a build that is specialized in dealing tons of damage in melee combat was found in this week. When going for a melee build, regardless of your own survivability or how to end the virtual life of your target. Everything seemingly looks crucial. Today, let’s take a look at xOrgy’s Infinite Sword Swinger. In addition, you can also visit official website to buy cheap albion online gold.


Literally, Infinite Sword Swinger was designed by xOrgy. In damage as well as mobility, he decided to specialize his build. Meanwhile, in the hope of being durable enough to survive just until his healer is available again.

About the Infinite Sword Swinger
About the Infinite Sword Swinger, xOrgy elaborated: One of the strongest points of the build is the diversity it offers its user. You can basically do everything from solo PvE up to large scale PvP skirmishes in the open world with the same equipment. He added: the Infinite Sword Swinger variant is specialized in small-scale group fights and GvGs while it allows for an efficient time when solo grinding.

Build Overview – Summary
Arguably, the Clarent Blade is a well-balanced weapon and the core of today’s featured build. It offers decent sustained damage, high mobility, and a potent area nuke. While the build is specialized in small-scale group fights and GvGs, there is no need to change out any part of your equipment for other activities. Given the low energy costs of this build’s abilities, you can keep fighting non-stop while being able to permanently outmaneuver your opponent’s attacks.

Equipment: Weapons


Heroic Strike
Deals physical damage.
Applies a Heroic Charge on you: each charge increases your movement speed by 10% for 6 seconds (stacks up to 3 times).
The Heroic Charges you gain from Heroic Strike are not only used to boost your Mighty Swing’s damage but also allow you to keep up with your targets while having an easier time dodging their attacks.

Stone Skin
Stone Skin is a well-balanced defensive ability.
Reduces damage received, at the expense of also reducing your damage and healpower for a short amount of time.
It allows you to mitigate a lot of the incoming damage on you without taking any of your mobility and on top, you are still able to attack your target.
But keep in mind, unlike other abilities you are not invulnerable.

Hamstring or Iron Will
(Hamstring) Instantly slows your target and deals physical damage.
Hamstring/Iron Will will further increase your stickiness.
(Ironwill) Increases your movement speed and decreases incoming damage for a few seconds.
While Iron Will increases your own DPS (damage per second), Hamstring makes sure that the rest of your team can keep attacking or closing onto your target as well.

Even if a lot of mobility as well as raw damage were offered by the Infinite Sword Swinger, when you are forming your team, you need to keep in mind that you are lack of any kind of hard CC. Regarding every two auto attacks, you can generate one charge. More useful skills and tips, you can head over to: