ESO: Morrowind – The Warden Wallpaper And Its Creative Process

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind released new wallpaper of the Warden class now! You can not only download the cool Morrowind illustration, but grab more details on how the Senior Concept Artists, Lucas Slominski craft the new piece.

To highlight the signature characteristics of the Warden class, Slominski designed a combat scene as well as the inclusion of the Warden’s Feral Guardian ultimate in the Warden illustration. Because the Vvardenfell island is a place of constant destruction and rebirth, which symbolically mirrors both the aggressive and restorative aspects of the Warden’s Skill Lines, the designer depict a standoff between two Dunmer Wardens and a group of Cliff Striders, with the Red Mountain looming in the background.


Interestingly, all the characters are firstly designed as semi-naked bald dudes and then they had various races of Tamriel and the specific armor sets. To upgrade the quality of the final painting, they gathering Pinterest boards, photos they shoot and models as references.

There are also exist some challenges in the process, like how to paint the spectral magic effects for the Wardens’ spellcasting, difficulties in painting convincingly bonemold armor, taking a crack at the Dunmer facial physiognomy and adding the spittle flying off the bear’s mouth. In addition, Slominski was satisfied with the touch of adding saliva.


To finish the work, Slominski worked on a Wacom Cintiq 22HD, doing the sketching and painting exclusively in Photoshop and using Maya to build a rough 3D scene for perspective reference. He even took some photos by GoPro camera as references.

The whole process took up to about eight weeks with a high pixel resolution. Although the changes in art direction or marketing focus may make the painting process longer, Slominski really appreciate about their approach at ZOS is that everyone is committed to delivering art at the highest possible quality.

Want to download the latest wallpaper of Warden? Click here and head on over to the ESO-GOLD site for more details. You can also get cheap eso gold or power leveling here.