Early Access For Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Possible From 22 May

If you want to play The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, you can do it earlier.

The expansion for the MMO will be available on June 6 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and can be pre-ordered as a Standard Edition or Collector’s Edition.


PC and Mac players who buy a “Digital Upgrade version or physical PC/Mac ESO: Morrowind Collector’s Edition” may already begin on May 22nd.

“Independent of the beta on the public test servers, Early Access players get the full game experience, can play on the active servers, and keep track of all progress when the game is officially released on June 6. Early access is available to players using the Digital Upgrade or Digital Collector’s Edition Upgrade versions of ESO: Morrowind for PC / Mac at some point before the official release of the game,” it says.

Players with a physical PC/Mac ESO: Morrowind Collector’s Edition must contact ESO Support Portal for the purpose of releasing this link.

The Prologue quest “The Missing Prophecy” is now available.

You can accept them in any Inn, and you will be sent to a mission where you will be able to track down the bandits, defeat Daedra, and discover a terrible prophecy.

Morrowind is here on The Elder Scrolls Online! Just fill your bank with enough money and get the necessary weapons and gears to benefit the most from Elder Scrolls Online. Make sure to gather enough ESO gold to enjoy yourself in the new content. If you are in lack of ESO gold, you can buy cheap ESO gold on ESO-GOLD. Besides, you should read more to learn some useful tips on The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind.