Farming Efficiency/Time Micromanagement for Midcore Players in PoE

I’ve been getting into PoE, I’ve almost completed my atlas. I’m just about working on the T16 maps, there are just a few I have left to unlock and I’m working on those last few orbs. I really enjoy the mechanics of just flying through maps. I don’t know, it’s relaxing to just turn my brain off and zip through and sometimes find some good loot. But I’ve been feeling like I’m not maintaining enough. So I have a few questions, mostly about how, precisely, I should be approaching mapping for efficiency. I don’t want to do the things that I know are “the best” because they’re just boring to me, but I would like to at least optimize how I play through any given map. Like my mentality, if you get what I mean. My approach to it, the methodology. The interested gamers can poe orbs buy from those professional online gaming houses in the most affordable cost.

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So currently, for example, I’ll hop into a map and I always need to explore the whole thing. If I screw up and miss a big chunk, I will go back for sure. I stop for anything that’s Alch or up, and I’ll pick up Chances too since I do like to craft my own gear sometimes and have a few uniques I’m trying to chance. I also pick up all maps, even the low-tier ones that I’ll probably never run. I’d say I feel most comfortable sustaining a T14 or so, don’t think I’m quite capable of only doing all T15s yet due to the bosses. So there’s another methodology question: What’s your thought process on bosses? Do you normally skip, or do you tough it out and always do every boss, even Kitava et al.? I’m curious to know. Do you just fly through the map and never stop for anything but exalts? Do you always corrupt, chisel, or just alch and go? Things like that.

When mapping, do you always clear 100% of the monsters? Do you have a threshhold for rough % of map complete? What I’m asking there is, what is your qualifier for when you are “Done with” or have finished a map? What do you stop to pick up? Do you backtrack heavily, lightly, based on situation, or not at all?

Lots of random small questions, I know, but they all have something to do with being more efficient and getting the most bang for your buck without strictly farming. I like to enjoy playing the game, min-maxing my character, and becoming more efficient, and strictly hardcore farming with tons of quant gear 24/7 is not fun for me. I also like to play for a few hours at a time instead of all day, and like to feel like I’ve accomplished something in that relatively shorter time, like at least half or a quarter of an exalt or something. I feel like right now it’s about 20c or something, I’ve never measured it out, but yeah.

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