Destiny 2: Ranking Every Memento
In Destiny 2, mementos are unique weapon shaders that can be unlocked through various activities. It’s good to apply the Mementos to weapons you’ll be using a lot, whether it’s your favorite powerful sword or a particularly strong SMG. There are currently six Mementos available in Destiny 2, each obtained in a specific way. Let’s take a look!
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Lost Memento

- Weapon Title: Headless Horror
- Shader Name: Twilight Keepsake
- How To Obtain: Purchase a Lost Memento from Mara Sov in the HELM.
The Twilight Keepsake is from the Festival of the Lost and is fairly easy to obtain since it’s not left to chance like the original three. This Memento changes your weapon to be entirely black with a leathery effect. There’s no better shader to match your weapons with your outfit. Black goes with everything, which is what makes this Memento the best.
Dawning Memento

- Weapon Title: Winter Night
- Shader Name: Rime Keepsake
- How To Obtain: Purchase a Dawning Memento from Mara Sov in the HELM.
For those who want to stay frosty, the Rime Keepsake is a very charming and on-brand Memento for the Dawning. The shader turns your weapon into an icy blue with a chilly effect. It looks like your gun has been frozen for a couple of years and, while it might be cold to touch, it’s a very appealing shader that highlights the physical aspects of your weapon.
Gambit Memento

- Weapon Title: Primeval Usurper
- Shader Name: Scaly Keepsake
- How To Obtain: The Gambit Memento is a random drop from completing Gambit matches.
Keeping on the theme with Gambit, the Scaly Keepsake Memento is a bright, shiny green that covers your weapon in a snakeskin pattern. The pattern moves, which makes it distinctive compared to many others. The effect on the gun isn’t at all subtle like some of the others, so you can go jump into fights in style.
Trials Memento

- Weapon Title: Pathmaker
- Shader Name: Gleaming Keepsake
- How To Obtain: The Trials Memento is a random drop after going flawless in the Trials of Osiris.
Nothing screams Trials of Osiris like a weapon that’s shimmering gold. There’s no mistaking the Trials Memento for anything else. It’s one of the boldest and most eccentric shaders available for your weapon. The Trials Memento applies a wavy pattern that looks like metal that’s melting. There’s nothing better than scaring enemies in Crucible when you’re flashing your deadliest hand cannon with a Flawless shader throughout the map.
Vanguard Memento

- Weapon Title: Dusk Tamer
- Shader Name: Triumphant Keepsake
- How To Obtain: A Vanguard Memento is a random drop after completing a Grandmaster Nightfall.
The Triumphant Keepsake is an odd Memento, to say the least. It can make your gun look great if it has some distinct physical characteristics, but it mainly makes your color orange with a few highlights here and there. You’ll need to complete a Grandmaster Nightfall to obtain the Memento, which can be a challenge itself. Make sure you’ve got the right team and loadouts before heading into the activity.
Games Memento

- Weapon Title: Podium Perfection
- Shader Name: Champion Keepsake
- How To Obtain: The Games Memento is bought from Eva Levante during the Guardian Games.
You’d hope that the Memento from the Guardian Games would allow you to show off your class colors proudly. Flashing the colors of united Guardians while heading into battle is a great way to stand together against enemies. Unfortunately, the Champion Keepsake colors your weapon in red and blue, not really ‘uniting classes’ material. Hoever, as the 2024 Guardian Games has now finished, it’s unclear if there’s another way to obtain the Games Memento.